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Nowadays, technology takes an important part in the education. With the evolution of technology and new pedagogies, some approaches have arisen in order to facilitate the learning of the students in different situations and contexts.

However, there are many schools that still working with books and making emphasis on the theory more than the practice and experiences, which makes that those children who have more learning difficulties or just need other kinds of interpretations are left behind.


If we focus on languages, and especially in the learning of English, we should take into account that learning a new language supposes a big cognitive effort for children, considering that they are not proficient on their mother tongue yet. For that reason, the use of technology in English classrooms is a great opportunity to make children learn in a different way far from the traditional one based on books.

This, allows both teachers and students work in a more horizontal way in which the teacher is not an authority but a guide and a mentor in order to help and assist to the students’ needs.  Furthermore, the fact of using technology as a way of teaching and learning, makes students be more engaged and motivated with the lessons, and this predisposition has a positive benefit on their learning process.


In order to be more specific, I will focus on five different resources that could be really helpful in the English lessons.

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