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What do I need to take into account when traveling to London?


This teaching sequence was carried out in the school Pere IV in Barcelona, with students of 5th grade​


The language level of students is an A1 according to the (CEF).

Students are able to ask simple questions about any topic and understand the answers. Moreover, they can follow speech that is carefully articulated and can recognise familiar names, words and basic phrases in the most common everyday situations. They are very used to practice speaking and listening activities which facilitates the implementation of this TU.




London Guide


1) Introduction

This will be the first introductory session to present the topic of the project


1 hour

2) London Food

In this session, students will focus on one typical British food and they will create an instructional text to show London’s typical food recipes.


1:30 h

3) Weather


This session will consist of an analysis of the weather of the city of London regarding the different seasons.


1 hour

4) Monuments

The purpose of the session is to identify the most important monuments of the London city and its characteristics.


1:30 h

5) Transports

This session will be dedicated to the main city transports and giving directions


1 hour

6 & 7) Role-Play

The purpose of this session is to make students prepare and perform a role-play related to any topic worked in the project



In this last session, students will create the interactive London guide with all the materials done throughout the project


1 hour

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